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Aug. 26, 2014

Summer safety: Labor Day weekend

With the Joint Base Langley-Eustis summer safety campaign coming to a close, personnel have an opportunity to test all of the knowledge they have on the subject of summer safety.There is no exam and, no, there won't be a base-wide commander's call on the subject. Instead, community members have an opportunity to enjoy the end-all of summer fun -

Aug. 26, 2014

Returning from a hurricane evacuation? Here's what you need to know

As August comes to an end, the heart of the 2014 Atlantic hurricane season begins. Three depressions and two hurricanes have occurred so far and U.S. Service members at Joint Base Langley-Eustis should continue to prepare to evacuate the local area if there is a severe storm threat. An evacuation will be ordered in the event of unusual or

Aug. 26, 2014

Soldier helps develop Taiwanese Army

Traditionally, the Taiwanese Army was compiled of a combination of draft and volunteer Soldiers. In 2010 the army sought assistance from the U.S. Army Pacific Command to help develop its Soldiers into an all-volunteer force.The USARPAC enlisted a team of U.S. Army Soldiers whose mission was to assist the Taiwanese Army with their goal of becoming

Aug. 22, 2014

Critical days, critical decisions: Fatigue

A U.S. Service member has major plans for the upcoming Labor Day weekend. He has made the decision to drive to his destination immediately following a long work day, which included morning unit physical training. He assumes he will be alert enough to drive the six hours to his destination, but little does he know fatigue will set in.According to

Aug. 19, 2014

Alcohol Abuse: Drinking your life away

You tell yourself you're just going to have one beer, but that one beer with friends turns into two. Before you know it, you've killed a six-pack by yourself and are heading out to the bar for more.You don't have a problem. You're with friends and only drinking to be social. You can stop whenever you want. When you pull your head out of the bottom

Aug. 19, 2014

Heritage Spotlight: Women's Equality Day

Since 1971, August 26 has been recognized as Women's Equality Day, marking the day the 19th Amendment was passed, giving women the right to vote. Today, women continue to make strides toward equality, and women in the military continue to serve their country with honor.Throughout American history women have served in the U.S. Armed Forces,

Aug. 13, 2014

Legally prepared for the unexpected

A bewildered family member comes in for legal assistance. Their loved one died without a will, but nobody knows who's in charge of sorting the estate and family members are simply claiming items. Meanwhile, bills are going unpaid, automatic withdrawals are still active and overdraft fees are gouging the bank account , which no one has access to. To

Aug. 13, 2014

Properly prepped pets: Keeping Fido safe through the storm

According to the National Hurricane Center, each year, millions of pets are killed or left homeless by natural disasters. Members of Joint Base Langley-Eustis sponsoring family members are encouraged to remain vigilant during hurricane season and are reminded to adequately prepare for a key member of their family--their pet. Whether or not Service

Aug. 11, 2014

Eustis offers new fishing program

Fisherman and families looking to spend a little time with a rod and reel on post must now acquire a fishing license from Outdoor Recreation at Fort Eustis, Virginia.The 733rd Force Support Division community services flight has partnered with the 733rd Security Forces Squadron and the Fort Eustis board of the Hunting and Fishing Council to instate

Aug. 8, 2014

A career of caring: Chaplain to retire after 38 years of service

It's 1974. Feathered hair and polyester are "in," the top song on the radio is Barbara Streisand's "The Way We Were," "The Longest Yard" is in theaters, and Chaplain (Col.) Steven E. West joins the Air Force and begins an almost 38-year career serving the spiritual needs of U.S. Airmen and Soldiers around the world. That career led him to Joint