Official websites use .mil
Secure .mil websites use HTTPS
Air Transportation Function (757) 764-3531
American Red Cross (757) 878-3339
Area Defense Counsel (757) 764-5607
Auto Skills Shop (757) 764-4607 | (757) 764-3978
Bateman Library (757) 764-2906
Bayview Commonwealth Center (757) 764-2984
Bio-Environmental Engineering (757) 764-7760
Bethel Park Fam Camp (757) 766-7627
Bowling Center, Langley Lanes (757) 764-2433
CAC/ID Services (757) 764-2270
Chapel (757) 764-7847
Child Development Center (757) 764-3585
Civil Engineer Service Call Desk (757) 764-5342
Civilian Personnel Office (757) 764-6262
Civilian Pay (757) 764-7104
Civilian Travel Office (757) 764-6583
Command Post (757) 764-5411
Commissary (757) 992-2040
Community Programs (757) 764-2983
Commercial Sponsorship (757) 764-3999
Creech Conference Center (757) 764-7751
Dental Clinic (757) 764-6824
Exchange, AAFES (757) 766-1282 | (757) 776-0373
Education Center, Air Force (757) 764-2962
Equal Opportunity Office (757) 764-5877
Express Mart (Shoppette/Class VI/Gas Station) - Main Base (757) 766-1312
Express Mart - Bethel Manor (757) 865-8962
Environmental (757) 764-3906
Family Advocacy Victim Advocates (24/7) (757) 846-1777 | (757) 764-2427
Family Child Care (757) 764-2835 | (757) 262-9223
Fire Department (Non-Emergency Line) (757) 764-4222
Fitness Centers
Eaglewood Golf Course (757) 764-4547
Health Promotion Officer (757) 764-8139
Honor Guard (757) 764-7181
Housing Management Office (757) 764-5040
Housing, Privatized (Hunt) (757) 920-7100
Information, Tickets & Travel (757) 764-7175
Inspector General (757) 764-5162
Judge Advocate
Langley Law Center: (757) 764-3277 Legal Assistance: (757) 225-6107
King Pin at Langley Lanes (757) 764-2392
Lodging, Langley Inn (757) 764-4667
Langley Lanes Bowling Center (757) 764-2433
Marina (757) 764-7220
Medical Clinic, 633d Medical Group (757) 225-7630 | Appointments: 1-866-645-4584
Military Clothing Sales (757) 766-3815
Military & Family Readiness Center (757) 764-3990
Military Personnel Flight (757) 764-3010
Outdoor Recreation (757) 764-7170
Office of Special Investigations (OSI) (757) 764-7971
Police Department (Non-Emergency Line) (757) 764-5091
Post Office (757) 766-2195
Private Organizations (757) 764-3732
Protocol - 633d Air Base Wing (757) 764-3466
Public Affairs - 633d Air Base Wing (JBLE-Langley Office) (757) 764-5701
Quesada Hall (757) 764-7751
Raptor Café DFAC (757) 764-1899
Retiree Activities Office (757) 764-7386
Riverview Event Center (757) 764-2983
Security Forces (757) 764-5091
24/7 Sexual Assault Program & Response (757) 764-7272
School Liaison Office (757) 778-5019
Special Victims Counsel (757) 225-1629 | DSN (312) 755-5115
Traffic Management Flight | Flight Leadership (757) 764-3292
Travel Management Office | Personnel Property (757) 764-7868
Traffic Management | Passenger Travel (757) 764-5071
Unite Program (757) 764-5890
Uniformed Services Organization (USO) (757) 402-6853
Vehicle Operations (757) 764-5614
Veterinary Clinic (757) 764-5678
Visitor Control Center (757) 764-7770 | (757) 764-4169
Youth Center at Bethel Manor (757) 225-2606
Youth Sports (757) 764-4998
American Warrior Network (757) 888-0235
Ammunition Supply Point (757) 878-3583
Army Community Services (ACS) (757) 878-3638
Aquatics Center (757) 878-1090
Auto Craft Center (757) 878-5440
Barber Shop (757) 812-7582
Better Opportunities for Single Soldiers (757) 813-6993
CAC/ID Services (757) 878-0948
Casualty Assistance Center (757) 878-1118
Central Issue Facility (757) 878-2380
Chapel (757) 878-1450 | (757) 878-1304
Child Development Center, Madison (757) 878-4000
Child Development Center, Pershing (757) 878-4723
Civil Engineering (757) 878-5225 | (757) 878-4357
Criminal Investigations Division (CID) (757) 878-4811 ext. 225
Commissary (757) 878-5608
Commercial Sponsorship (757) 878-0834
Consignment Shop (Fort Eustis Spouses Club) (757) 887-0190
DENTAC HQ: 757-314-7980
Exec Officer: 757-314-7928
SDNCO: 757-314-7988
Dental Clinics:
MCAHC Dental Clinic: 757-314-7925/7926
Tignor Dental Clinic: 757-314-8015/8016
Education Center (757) 887-1166
Enterprise Multimedia Center (EMC) (757) 878-4831
Equal Opportunity Office (757) 878-0022
Exchange, AAFES (757) 887-0293
Express Mart (Shoppette/Class VI/Gas Station) (757) 369-3772 | (757) 369-3780
Family Advocacy & Victim Advocates Office (757) 314-7998 | 24/7 Line (757) 276-1090
Family Child Care (757) 878-5584
Finance Office (757) 878-2185
Fire & Emergency Services (757) 878-4281
Fort Eustis Club (757) 878-5700
The Pines Golf Course (757) 878-2252
Housing Services Office (757) 878-2977
Housing After Hours Line (757) 817-5602
Housing Office, Army (On-Post) (757) 878-6088
Housing Office, Balfour Beatty (757) 369-8335
Inspector General (757) 878-4844
Information, Tickets, & Travel Office (757) 878-3694
Jacobs Conference Center (757) 878-3436
Groninger Library (757) 878-5017
Lodging, General Smalls Inn (757) 969-5775
McDonald Army Health Center (757) 314-7500 | Appointments: 1-866-645-4584
Military Clothing Sales (757) 887-8205
Military Personnel Branch
Network Enterprise Center (NEC) (757) 878-4071
Outdoor Recreation (757) 878-2610
Post Office (757) 887-3793
Processing Center- Student Management (757) 878-3734/3633
Protocol (757) 878-6023
Provost Marshall (Military Police) (757) 878-4555 Public Affairs, 633d Air Base Wing (JBLE-Eustis) (757) 878-4920
Range Control (757) 878-4412
Retirement Service Office (757) 878-3648
Safety Office (757) 501-8224
School Age Care (757) 878-5339
School Liaison Office (757) 501-730
Sexual Harassment, Assault, Response & Prevention (757) 501-7052 | 24/7 Hotline (757) 268-8967
Strike Zone Bowling Center (757) 878-5482
Trial Defense (757) 878-2354
Uniformed Services Organization (USO) (757) 878-1046
Visitors Center (757) 878-1878
Whistle Stop Thrift Shop (757) 887-0190
Youth Programs (757) 878-2662
Youth Sports and Fitness (757) 878-0833