Home : Public Affairs : Official Photos
Official Photos

For U.S. Army portraits and DA photos, go to https://vios.army.mil

Air Force

For U.S. Air Force portraits and DA photos, go to http://633abwphotostudio.setmore.com/

  • Requests must be for official government requirements.
  • Each studio customer is responsible for preparing his or her uniform to comply with AFI 36-2903. If you need to change at the studio, please set aside an allotted amount of time prior to your scheduled appointment time.

Location: 45 Nealy Ave, BLDG 15, RM 220 (next to the testing room), Langley AFB

NOTE: Chain of command displays are authorized for Commanders from squadron up to wing level in unit hierarchy as well as command chiefs and first sergeants (AFI 35-101). Public Affairs does not have the responsibility or capability to support printed photos,

Passport Photos & ISOPREP

Passport photos are provided after Official Passport appointments with the Passport Office. Passports photos are only for official passports, tourist passports required for PCS, and applications for Visa for official purposes.

ISOPREP photos require a memorandum from your UDM or outbound assignments justifying your deployment/TDY/PCS. If you are a member of an immediate response force and require an ISOPREP, the memorandum must state that.

What you need: 

- IMT AF Form 833 signed by the passport office (for passport photos) or UDM (ISOPREP)
- Documentation from UDM/Outbound Assignments

Support Guidance

Public Affairs will provide support for: (AFI 35-101; Chapter 7.14)
General Officer portraits. Portraits for commanders’ awareness programs for displays of the chain of command in facilities. Commanders from squadron up to wing level in unit hierarchy as well as command chiefs and first sergeants are to be displayed. Portraits to display key staff from prominent support agencies such as the wing inspector general, sexual assault response coordinators, area defense counsel, equal opportunity, and others not listed here. Application processes for special duty assignments in accordance with AFI 36-2002, Regular Air Force and Special Category Accessions. Applications for special programs or specialized units. All requirements in AFI 36-2805, Special Trophies and Awards.

For Quarterly and Annual Awards, Public Affairs will only support wing-level and two-letter MAJCOM and above.

Public Affairs has the right to cancel appointments that are not approved by the AFIs or Wing Commander.

*No-shows and same-day cancellations will not be rescheduled without an e-mail (sent to 633ABW.PA.Studio@us.af.mil) or a letter from the individual's First Sergeant, Superintendent or Commander stating the justification for missing the appointment. The member will then be rescheduled based on availability/suspense requirements. Please call 24 hours ahead of time at (757) 764-5701 if you cannot make your appointment.*

Other Photo, Video Production/Documentation & Graphic Design Support

Requests must be for official government requirements.

For group photos and other official photo requirements, please call (757) 764-5701 or email the 633 ABW/PA Command Information mailbox


Air Force  


Walk-Ins Wednesdays 1300 - 1500
BLDG 15, Rm 220 (Photo Studio)