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633 Air Base Wing Inspector General, Complaints Resolution Program

The 633 ABW/IG serves the JBLE base populace by executing the complaint resolution program and by proactively training all JBLE members about IG processes and fraud, waste, and abuse.

IGs assist Airmen of all ranks, family members, civilian employees, retirees, and other civilians.  These individuals represent the IG’s constituency, and IGs bolster the chain-of-command by performing a problem-solving mission in support of this constituency. 

The complaints resolution program is based on the concept the IG serves as the eyes and ears of their commander by being alert to issues affecting the organization.

IGs must maintain a clear distinction between being an extension of the commander and their duty to serve as a fair, impartial, and objective fact-finder and problem-solver. 

The 633 Air Base Wing Inspector General derives their authority to manage the complaints resolution program from Air Force Instruction 90-301, Inspector General Complaints Resolution.

Mission Focus

The IG ensures the concerns of all complainants and the best interests of the Air Force are addressed through objective fact-finding.  The primary charge of the IG in this role is to sustain a credible Air Force IG system by ensuring a responsive complaints resolution program.  A successful complaint resolution program is designed to enhance the Air Force’s readiness.

Who can file a complaint with the Inspector General?  Anyone can file a complaint with the IG.  The following list is an example:  active duty service members, reservists, appropriated fund employees, non-appropriated fund employees, spouses, dependents, family members, retirees and anonymous third party complainants.

How do you file a complaint with the Inspector General?  Air Force Form 102, Inspector General Complaint Form, is used to file complaints with an IG. The AF Form 102 collects name, grade/rank military status, contact information and sufficient information regarding the complainant’s issue to assist in resolution of the complaint.  Complaints may be submitted anonymously also.  Use of the AF Form 102 is not required, but highly recommended.

Complainant’s Rights

The right to file an IG complaint at any level without going through their supervisory channels beforehand.

The right to file a complaint with the IG without fear of reprisal.

The right to request a withdrawal of their IG complaint in writing. However, IGs may still examine the issues at their discretion and treat it as a third party complaint.

The right to have the next higher-level IG review their complaint within 90 days of receiving the initial IG’s response.  Note: simply disagreeing with the action taken on an initial IG complaint will not automatically justify an additional IG review.

The right to submit complaints anonymously.

The right to submit a complaint if they reasonably believe inappropriate conduct has occurred, or a wrong or violation of law, policy, procedure, instruction or regulation has been committed.

The right to submit a complaint on behalf of another individual.  This is known as a third party complaint.

The right to request whistleblower protection under authority of 10 USC 1034 if they believe they have been reprised against for making or preparing to make a protected communication.

The right to address their complaints with the host wing IG if their unit does not have an IG.

The right to contact the IG regarding any issue.

Complaint Timelines

Restriction complaints – no time limit.

Reprisal complaints – 365 day time limit.

Allegations of wrongdoings or violations of law, rule or regulation – 60 days.


(Note: If more than 60 days have elapsed since the complainant learned of the alleged wrong, they should: inform the IG the date they first became aware of the wrongdoing, how they became aware of the wrongdoing and why they were delayed in filing an IG complaint)




Complaints Resolution Program – A program designed to ensure the discipline, efficiency, and economy of the Air Force by resolving complaints of fraud, waste, abuse, or gross mismanagement; violations of law, policy, procedures, instructions, or regulations; an injustice; abuse of authority, inappropriate conduct, or misconduct; or a deficiency or like condition.


Confidentiality – The protection of individual privacy.  The IG has a responsibility to safeguard the personal identity of individuals seeking assistance or participating in an IG process such as an investigation and to honor the legal agreements between parties concerning confidentiality provisions in settlement agreements.  While this does not mean communications made to an IG are privileged or confidential, it does mean disclosure of those communications (and the identity of the communicator) is strictly limited to an official, need-to-know basis.  This information is not disclosed unless required by law or regulation, when necessary to take adverse action against a subject, or with the approval of The Inspector General (SAF/IG), or approval of the Appointing Authority.


Fraud – Any intentional deception designed to unlawfully deprive the government of something of value or to secure from the government for an individual a benefit, privilege, allowance, or consideration to which he or she is not entitled.  Such practices include, but are not limited to:


1.      The offer, payment, acceptance of bribes or gratuities, or evading or corrupting inspectors or other officials.

2.      Making false statements, submitting false claims or using false weights or measures

3.      Deceit, either by suppressing the truth or misrepresenting material facts, or to deprive the government of something of value.

4.      Adulterating or substituting materials, falsifying records and books of accounts.

5.      Conspiracy to carry out any of the above actions.

6.      The term also includes conflict of interest cases, criminal irregularities, and the unauthorized disclosure of official information relating to procurement and disposal matters, including any theft or diversion of resources for personal or commercial gain.


Preponderance of the Evidence – The standard of proof for IG investigations. The preponderance standard means: When it is more likely than not that events have occurred as alleged, there is a preponderance of the evidence, and the IG may consider the events proven.


Reprisal – Taking or threatening to take an unfavorable personnel action, or withholding or threatening to withhold a favorable personnel action on a military member for making or preparing or being perceived as making or preparing to make a protected communication.


Restriction – Preventing or attempting to prevent members of the Armed Forces from making or preparing to make a lawful communication to a Member of Congress or the IG.


Whistleblowing – A protected communication disclosing information by an employee or applicant that he or she reasonably believes evidences a violation of a law, rule, or regulation;

gross mismanagement; gross waste of funds; an abuse of authority; or a substantial and specific danger to public health and safety.

Contact your IG office


The 633 Air Base Wing IG has a dedicated e-mail address and phone number for Hotline Complaints.  Note:  The 633 ABW/IG’s Hotline is not staffed 24/7.

E-mail: 633abw.igq@us.af.mil

Phone: Commercial - 757-764-5162, DSN – 574-5162

ACC IG Hotline: 757-764-8712

HQ ACC/IGQ Office of Oversight: acc.igq@us.af.mil

US Army CIMT IG Complaint Hotline: 757-878-4844, usarmy.jble.tradoc.mbx.dcg-imt-ig@army.mil 

633 ABW IGQ Complaint Hotline: 757-764-5162, 633abw.igq@us.af.mil

480 ISRW IGQ Complaint Hotline: 757-225-9029/2027,  480.isr.wg.ig@us.af.mil

363 ISRW IGQ Complaint Hotline: 757-225-6060,  363isrw.ig.ig.@us.af.mil