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Fort Eustis Legal Assistance

Legal Assistance services for Joint Base Langley-Eustis are the responsibility of the 633d Air Base Wing Staff Judge Advocate.  As such, our Legal Assistance Attorneys must follow Air Force Regulations in the performance of their duties.

Ft. Eustis Legal Assistance

**All legal assistance is by appointment only**

Contact Information:

2115 Pershing Ave (first floor)
Ft. Eustis, VA 23604
(757) 878-7517

Power of Attorney and Notary Services

Walk-in hours: Monday–Friday: 0830–1115,1300–1615

To obtain a Power of Attorney, please call our office to schedule an appointment.  You must complete a Power of Attorney worksheet at https://aflegalassistance.law.af.mil, and then provide your ticket number when calling to make an appointment. This will allow you to gather all required information ahead of time to reduce any unforeseen delays due to not having the requisite information readily available.

Notary Information Sheet

Power of Attorney Guide

Appointments for Wills and Legal Assistance

To schedule a Will appointment, please complete a Will worksheet at https://aflegalassistance.law.af.mil, obtain your ticket number, and then call the Fort Eustis Legal Assistance office at (757) 878-7517 to schedule an appointment.  We require either a ticket number or completed hard-copy Will worksheet (available at the front desk) before we can schedule an appointment for a Will, Health Care Power-of-Attorney, Living Will, or Durable General Power-of-Attorney.  Deployers in need of a Will are encouraged to schedule appointments early, last-minute accommodation can be difficult if large numbers of individuals deploy simultaneously.  If you are unable to keep an appointment, please call to cancel at least 24 hours in advance so that we may offer that appointment block to another client.

To schedule an appointment for a general legal assistance consultation with an attorney, call (757) 878-7517.



Langley Law Center Legal Assistance

Contact Information:

45 Nealy Ave., Wing A, Ste. 115
Langley AFB, VA, 23665
(757) 225-6107

Langley Law Center Legal Assistance

How can we help you?

The Fort Eustis Legal Assistance Division provides legal assistance in connection with personal civil legal matters to support and sustain command effectiveness and readiness in accordance with Air Force Instruction 51-504 and 10 U.S.C. § 1044. Under 10 U.S.C. §1044, the ability to offer legal assistance and legal services to the eligible categories of personnel is contingent upon the availability of legal staff resources and expertise. Although legal assistance is not separately funded, it has been provided for members of the armed forces since 1943 and is now perceived as one of the benefits of military service.

Legal assistance establishes an attorney-client relationship between the client and attorney and consists of military attorneys providing advice on personal, civil legal matters to eligible beneficiaries. For any other legal concern, the Air Force remains the client of the Air Force attorney. On such other matters, Air Force attorneys cannot provide advice to, or enter into an attorney-client relationship with, individuals or entities.  Air Force attorneys, acting in an official capacity, may not enter into an attorney-client relationship in the following areas:

(1) Official matters in which the Air Force has an interest or is involved in the final resolution;
(2) Criminal issues under the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ), or any local, state or federal criminal law;
(3) Standards of ethical conduct issues;
(4) Law of Armed Conflict (LOAC) issues;
(5) Issues involving personal commercial enterprises (unless such advice is related to the Servicemembers' Civil Relief Act (SCRA));
(6) Legal issues or concerns raised on behalf of third parties, even if the third party is eligible for legal assistance;
 (7) Drafting or reviewing real estate sale or closing documents, separation agreements or divorce decrees, and inter vivos (living) trusts (This limitation does not preclude a general review to identify potential problems for which the client may require more expert assistance or to protect a client from signing an unconscionable agreement);
(8) Private organizations (e.g., spouses clubs and squadron booster clubs) that have been chartered by appropriate authority to function on Air Force installations (Although prohibited from entering into an attorney-client relationship with private organizations, under the auspices of the Civil Law program Air Force attorneys may provide legal guidance and advice through the base private organizations monitor to ensure private organizations are properly chartered and comply with pertinent statutes and regulations); and
(9) Representation of the client in a court or administrative proceeding.

Personal civil legal matters commonly encountered during legal assistance:

1) Wills
2) Advanced Medical Directives
3) Powers of Attorney
4) Notaries
5) Dependent Care Issues
6) Adoption
7) Financial Responsibility
8) Domestic Relations
9) Servicemembers' Civil Relief Act (SCRA)
10) Veterans' Reemployment Rights and Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA)
11) Casualty Affairs
12) Landlord-Tenant
13) Consumer Affairs
14) Taxes
15) Victims of Crime

Active duty members, dependents and retirees are eligible for legal assistance. The highest priority will be given to active duty personnel who need mobilization or deployment-related legal assistance that facilitates Command readiness.  There are several other specialized categories of persons eligible for legal assistance. Please see AFI 51-504 for a complete list of eligible persons. 


Army Specific Legal Assistance Issues
Due to differences between Army and Air Force regulations and the integration of services within the joint base concept, there are some areas that the Legal Assistance attorneys at our office cannot provide assistance.  Our attorneys must operate according to Air Force instruction and thus must refer certain matters to an attorney for the Staff Judge Advocate at Fort Eustis, who operates under Army regulations.  These matters generally include adverse administrative personnel actions.  Our office is happy to schedule the appropriate appointments for these matters with the appropriate Army Judge Advocate, but will not be able to give advice or recommendations as to how a soldier can/should deal with their situation.  When calling or attempting to schedule such appointments, please inform the individual scheduling the appointment that you need assistance with an adverse action so that you are not in-advertently scheduled for the wrong attorney.