Home : About Us : Units : Ft. Eustis : 733d Mission Support Group : 733d Civil Engineer Squadron
733d Civil Engineering Squadron


The 733d Civil Engineer Squadron's mission is to provide fire protection;
emergency response, facilities engineering & operations support,
infrastructure, real property, and housing management, comprehensive
land use planning, and environmental management for JBLE-Fort Eustis.
We strive to make Fort Eustis the installation of choice on which to live,
conduct business, and execute the mission.

Engineers. Lead the Way!

Director : Mr. Miguel Capellan

Deputy Director : 

733d Civil Engineering Squadron Emblem 



CES Functions


1407 Washington Blvd.
Fort Eustis, VA 23604

Hours of Operation

Monday - Friday

Contact Information

Service Orders
Normal Duty Hours             


For life threatening emergencies-Dial 911

After hours, Service Order Desk phones forward automatically to Fire Dispatch

When submitting all Service Requests and Project Requests

Please, be detailed and include relevant documents such as:

  • Wing Safety Write-ups
  • Fire Department Write-ups
  • Maps, Drawings, Sketches, and Photos
  • AFI, UFC, AR, references stating the requirement