JBLE is currently operating at GREEN light status.
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Operating Status

BASE ADVISEMENT: The 633 ABW and 1 FW will conduct a Combat Readiness Exercise 23 – 31 Jan. During this time, you may see smoke or hear detonations, and the “Giant Voice” will relay exercise announcements. Additionally, please be aware there may be an increase in air space activity, as well an increase in emergency response and base defense personnel.


The 633rd Air Base Wing Public Affairs Office will provide one of the following four announcements to the media when a disruption occurs before the workday begins. These announcements do NOT apply to individuals who are designated as "mission essential employees." Mission essential employees are expected to report for work on time unless excused by their supervisors.

Green Stoplight

Employees are expected to report for work on time


Green Stoplight

Employees who cannot report for work may take unscheduled leave for their entire
scheduled workday. When a "liberal leave" policy is announced, employees should
contact their supervisor to request annual leave, leave without pay, and/or the use
of previously earned compensatory time off or credit hours under an alternative work
schedule. Non-mission essential employees on telework agreementsare expected to
telework unless on approved leave.


Yellow Stoplight

Employees should plan to arrive for work no more than xx hours (as determined by the
installation commander) later than they would normally arrive, and employees who
cannot report for work may take unscheduled (LIBERAL) leave. Mission Essential employees
are expected to report for work on time. Non-mission essential employees on telework
agreements are expected to telework.

Red Stoplight

Mission Essential employees ONLY are expected to report for work on time.



The following announcement will be made when a disruption occurs after the workday begins. This announcement does not apply to individuals who are designated as "mission essential." Mission essential employees are expected to remain at work unless excused by their supervisors. Non-mission essential employees on telework agreements are expected to telework, unless on approved leave. 

Yellow Stoplight

Employees should be dismissed by their supervisors (X) hours earlier than their normal
departure time from work. Mission essential employees are expected to remain at work.

Employees should be dismissed by their supervisors relative to their normal departure
times from work. For example, if a three-hour "early release" policy is announced, workers
who normally leave their offices at 4 p.m. should leave at 1 p.m. Employees who must leave
work earlier than their official dismissal time will be charged annual leave or leave without
pay from the time of their departure through the remainder of their scheduled workday.
Employees on pre-approved leave for the entire day should be charged leave for the entire day.

Yellow Stoplight

Employees should be dismissed by their supervisors at (XX:XX) time. Mission essential
employees are expected to remain at work.

Employees should be dismissed by their supervisors at the time listed in the announcement.
For example, if a 1 p.m. "early release" policy is announced, workers should leave at 1 p.m.
Employees who must leave work earlier than their official dismissal time will be charged
annual leave or leave without pay from the time of their departure through the remainder
of their scheduled workday.


  • FPCON Levels

    Defense Department Instruction (DODI O-2000.16 V-2) DoD Antiterrorism Program Implementation: DoD Force Protection Condition (FPCON) System states that FPCON is defined as a terrorist threat system overseen by the U.S. Defense Department and describes a number of measures that need to be taken by an installation commander in response to a terrorist threat. This system is designed to help the commander to deter, detect, delay, deny and defend the installation they have jurisdiction over.

    To assist the commander, the FPCON system is divided into five levels:

    • FPCON NORMAL: Applies at all times as a general threat of terrorist attacks, hostile acts, or other security threats, always exists in the world. (Deter)
    • FPCON ALPHA: Applies to a non-specific threat of a terrorist, of a terrorist attack or hostile act directed against DoD elements and personnel. (Detect)
    • FPCON BRAVO: Applies when an increased or more predictable threat of terrorism attack or hostile act exists and is directed against DoD elements and personnel. (Delay)
    • FPCON CHARLIE: Applies when a terrorist or hostile incident occurs within the commander’s area of interest or intelligence is received indicating a hostile act, some form of terrorist action or targeting of DoD elements, personnel or facilities. (Deny)
    • FPCON DELTA: Applies when a terrorist attack or hostile act has occurred or is anticipated against specific installations or operating areas. (Defend)