Customer Service Office
45 Nealy Ave, Building 15
Wing C, Ste 109
Langley AFB, VA 23665
Non-AFnet Users:
Special Actions:
Disbursing Cage
Tuesday & Thursday | 0900 - 1200
(Except for last 2 business days of the month)
DTS Helpdesk (ODTAs Only)
Monday-Friday | 0900-1200
(757) 764-3183 | DSN: (312)574-3183
Civilian Pay
Civilian Pay inquiries can be submitted through the Comptroller Services Portal
(757) 764-7104 | DSN: (312) 574-7104
Walk-Ins Accepted
Monday-Friday | 0900-1200
Langley Customer Service Office
Wednesday, Friday | 0900-1500
705 Washington Blvd., Room 164
Fort Eustis, VA 23604
Civilian Travel
(757) 764-6583 | DSN: (312) 574-6583