Home : About Us : Units : Langley AFB : Langley - Finance
JBLE-Langley Financial Operations


Skip the lobby wait time by joining the virtual queue instead. Text message alerts will notify you on estimated wait times and when the next available technician is ready.

Walk-in hours:
Monday – Friday
0900 – 1200
[ Line opens at 0730 ]
*Closed Every 3rd Thursday*

Contact Us

Customer Service Office
45 Nealy Ave, Building 15
Wing C, Ste 109
Langley AFB, VA 23665
Non-AFnet Users: 633cpts.finance.service@us.af.mil
Special Actions: 633cpts.sep@us.af.mil

Disbursing Cage
Tuesday & Thursday | 0900 - 1200
(Except for last 2 business days of the month)

DTS Helpdesk (ODTAs Only)
Monday-Friday | 0900-1200
(757) 764-3183 | DSN: (312)574-3183

Civilian Pay
Civilian Pay inquiries can be submitted through the Comptroller Services Portal
(757) 764-7104 | DSN: (312) 574-7104
Walk-Ins Accepted

Monday-Friday | 0900-1200
Langley Customer Service Office

Wednesday, Friday | 0900-1500
705 Washington Blvd., Room 164
Fort Eustis, VA 23604

Civilian Travel
(757) 764-6583 | DSN: (312) 574-6583

Customer Service

We’re here to help :

Submit an inquiry or documents to our office through CSP, our 24/7 virtual lobby.


*CAC Enabled Link

Walk-In Hours:
Monday – Friday | 0900-1200
*Closed on holidays, family days, and every 3rd Thursday for Crossbow Readiness Day*

***Starting Oct. 2, 2024, we are opening extended walk-in hours from 0800 - 1500 every Wednesday.***

You can now get in line remotely with our virtual check-in system!

Skip waiting in the lobby by joining the virtual queue. Text message alerts will notify you on your place in line for when the next technician is available. Click below to get in line.




Separation & Retirement

As stressful as retiring or separating is, we want to help. If you have questions regarding your final pay, and you no longer have AFNET access, please reach us by email at 633cpts.finance.service@us.af.mil. Mandatory Separation/Retirement briefings held every Thursday at 1300 at the Finance Customer Service office with limited seating.




PCS In-Processing

Mandatory PCS in-processing briefs are held every Tuesday at 1300 at the Bayview Commonwealth Center (350 Clarke Ave, Hampton, VA 23665).

Please bring a pen, a copy of your orders, and physical copies of all applicable receipts.



Geographically Separated Units (GSU) will file their Travel Voucher through eFinance. (Requires CAC-enabled device)

  1. Navigate to eFinance homepage: efinance.sso.cce.af.mil
  2. Register and fill out/update profile completely (this aids in the voucher process)
  3. Create new PCS and provide information/documentation as prompted

*For instructions step-by-step, please see the "eFinance Guide"*





*CAC Enabled