The Joint Armed Forces Disciplinary Control Board of Southeastern Virginia identified several establishments as off-limits to military members. Military members are prohibited from entering the premises of, and conducting business with the list of establishments.
Click here for the full list of Off-Limits Establishments.
Service members will refrain from conducting business with or entering the premises of the off-limits establishments, and commanding officers will inform personnel in their commands of these prohibitions.
The establishments will remain on the off-limits list until the next scheduled meeting of the AFDCB, at which time the board will reconsider the status of each business currently on the list. The AFDCB works closely with businesses that are being considered for the off-limits list to avoid these actions. Mitigation efforts demonstrated by area businesses, and communication to the board by the businesses, often have favorable results.
Establishments are given an opportunity to notify the AFDCB in writing that corrective actions have occurred. Removal from the list will be considered by the board upon presentation that satisfactory corrective actions have been taken. Failure to respond will result in the board making a request for establishment representatives to appear in person at a formal hearing of the AFDCB.
The safety and security of all service members is a priority for the Department of Defense. The AFDCB is an investigative committee composed of members from each military service in the Hampton Roads area, as well and civilian advisers, who work with local law enforcement agencies and local businesses to identify conditions which may adversely affect the health, safety, welfare, and discipline of the armed forces.
(Last updated March 2023)