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Aug. 31, 2006

'Ready Elmendorf:' Manning, timing issues incite careful planning

Wanted: skilled Raptor maintainers, pilots and support personnel wanted for hire in semi-remote location Job description: stand up the first Alaskan F-22A Raptor squadron Perk: plenty of travel, especially to Langley AFB Hitch: long, cold winters Though the climate may scare some off, plenty of volunteers have already raised their hands to help

Aug. 25, 2006

New Sound of Freedom goes back two decades

When then Tactical Air Command Gen. Bob Russ asked then Lt. Col. Jay Welsh to put on a tattoo like the one he saw at Randolph AFB earlier that year, Mr. Welsh had no idea that nearly 20 years later, he'd still be doing it or that it would become such an integral part of Langley's culture. Today, the Air Combat Command Tattoo remains virtually

Aug. 25, 2006

"Ready Elmendorf": Raptor's next challenge takes F-22 north

Picture the late 1980's at the United States Air Force Academy. A young cadet sees concept pictures of the next super-stealthy American fighter jet. Foaming at the mouth ensues. Now fast forward 20 years. That same kid is not only flying said jet, but he was just named commander of the next F-22A Raptor squadron. Meet Lt. Col. Michael Shower, F-22

Aug. 18, 2006

Casualty office: Light of hope for those in mourning

The funeral has passed and you have no idea what to do. Did you know there is help out there to ensure you're as taken cared of as possible? That's where the Langley Casualty Office comes in. The Langley Casualty Office helps people every day face an uncertain future when their loved one has passed away. "Our primary purpose is to report casualties

Aug. 18, 2006

Raptor summer stats impress critics

The news here isn't that the F-22A Raptor went out of town and participated in exercises this summer. Critics and fans alike have heard that by now. What they haven't heard: the facts and figures produced during the training. "We took the jets and our people more than 3,200 miles from their support structure at home," said Lt. Col. Wade Tolliver,

Aug. 7, 2006

Langley officer lives life-long dream

Twenty-year Air Force veteran, Capt. Patrick Ritchie has waited his entire life to live the dream of driving a race car. Since he came to the area and heard about the Langley Motor Speedway, he knew one day he would get to live that dream. The Air Combat Command communications actions officer arrived at Langley in April 2005 with a season ticket to

July 21, 2006

Digital Imaging: Heroes with X-ray vision, no capes

Mutant x-ray vision was never used to diagnose bone fractures and breaks, or assisted pregnant women and their babies, or checked internal organs, day in and day out. Therefore, by the Scientific Method, the Airmen of the 1st Medical Support Squadron Diagnostic Imaging clinic are better than Superman can ever be. Every day, the clinic, formerly

July 21, 2006

AADD: Saving lives in Savannah

Members of Detachment 71 may be far from home, but not far from help. The Det. 71 Airmen Against Drunk Driving program has been saving lives since the first week on the ground. “We established an AADD the first week here,” said Master Sgt. Kevin Coker, Det. 71 first sergeant. “So far, there have been 85 saves.” Staff Sgt. Ryan Lucas, 71st Aircraft

July 17, 2006

Bronze Stars: SFS personnel provide crucial support in OIF

While traveling south on main supply route Tampa Dec. 5, 2005, near Balad Air Base, Iraq, Staff Sgt. Christopher Willson, 732nd Expeditionary Logistics Readiness Squadron, Detachment 2632 assistant convoy commander, and his Convoy Logistics Patrol were attacked by small arms fire from anti Iraqi Forces on both sides of the road. "There was a time

June 9, 2006

OSS weather forecasters keep flyers up to date

Daily weather reports aid in preventing death, injury, millions of dollars in aircraft damages by informing base commanders on how weather will affect each of their respective missions. The 1st Operations Support Squadron Weather Flight uses a variety of inside and outside sources to help safeguard Langley’s Airmen, flyers and equipment from