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Dec. 22, 2008

Chapel parishioners show holiday generosity

For Langley's Bethel Chapel, the holiday season is a time to show charity and generosity to the less fortunate. The chapel's Protestant and Catholic parishioners have come together to provide Christmas presents for families with low incomes and others in need through a variety of seasonal programs. Throughout the year, the altar is the focal point

Dec. 17, 2008

Avoiding holiday stress

The holiday season is a time meant for people to relax, eat, share gifts and spend time with family and friends. In reality the holidays are often a time when many people are faced with higher credit card bills, chaotic traveling, and aggravating family members who make people glad they live somewhere far away, said Julie Couture, a family advocacy

Nov. 26, 2008

Paying tribute to a legend -- Tom Maloney

Editor's note:  This article originally ran in The Flyer on May 14, 1993 and was written by then Tech. Sgt. Vic Johnston.  Thomas E. Maloney passed away Nov. 16 at his residence in Cushing, Okla. at the age of 85.  Memorial contributions may be made, to the Sts. Peter and Paul Catholic Church, phone number is (918) 225-0644, in his memory. One may

Oct. 28, 2008

Pride plus hard work equals mission accomplishment

On the forward fuselage of the F-15C Eagle and the nose gear door on the F-22A Raptor are enlisted members' names, painted with pride, symbolizing dedication and hard work of crew chiefs. These names mark that of the dedicated crew chief and assistant crew chief who have devoted their military training to keeping this aircraft and others like it

Oct. 7, 2008

Community center caters to Airmen

Off-duty and bored? The Langley Community Center is home to a fully functioning recording studio, offers instructional classes and also has televisions, couches and pool tables to help Airmen de-stress and have fun. The center caters to about 100 Airmen a day and more than 100,000 customers a year. It provides recreational activities, educational

Sept. 26, 2008

Weather ensures mission safety, success

Inclement weather has destroyed, crippled and delayed armies. For instance, a hurricane destroyed the Spanish Armada in 1588, and a harsh Russian winter crippled Napoleon Bonaparte's army in 1812. Throughout history, militaries have relied on their weather specialists to help ensure mission success. For example, a single Navy weather observer gave

Sept. 23, 2008

Intramurals build muscle and relationships

The Shellbank Fitness Center offers a variety of intramural sports to Airmen, dependents and Department of Defense employees.Intramural sports provides participants opportunities to work out, build relationships with each other and boost morale."Participating in intramural sports is important because it encourages camaraderie, competition and

Sept. 11, 2008

What's New for Dinner? Dining facility adds new items to the menu

Ever wonder what criteria the dining facility uses to determine which entrees will be served? Who decides what will be for dinner? The answer is simple...you do. The food services personnel study the surveys and the comment sections filled out by dining facility customers, and then they rate the products ranking them in order of demand, choosing

Aug. 28, 2008

Back-to-School: Education center offers assistance to students

So, you've enjoyed the summer, and you're anxious to get back into school this fall? Returning to academics after a relaxing summer can be a stressful transition, but the financial and educational benefits offered by the Langley Education Center can possibly reduce some unwanted stress. The education center, open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Monday

Aug. 26, 2008

Defend your base

"I'm in the Air Force; I didn't join to fire a weapon." "I joined the Air Force to receive an education." "I joined the Air Force in order to travel." Whether people joined the Air Force to receive educational benefits, travel the world, or because they thought it was the safest option, times have changed. In this day in age, the Air Force is more