Fort Eustis Army Community Service won the Eustis Civilian Fitness Commander’s Cup Challenge, with Ruth Wallace accepting the cup during an awards ceremony Thursday, Aug. 31, 2016, at Wylie Theater.
ACS won top honors for 53.33 percent participation.
The ceremony also recognized individual winners and participants. Two winners received trophies for their efforts: Hugh Davis with U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command G1/G4 for most improved, and Michael Brown with U.S. Army Center for Initial Military Training for acquiring the most hourly fitness points with a total of 200.75.
The Eustis Community Health Promotion Board’s physical resilience working group created the initiative, intended to reinvigorate civilian community members’ fitness culture. Participants represented five Eustis organizations: ACS, Army Support Activity, CIMT, McDonald Army Health Center and TRADOC.
From January to June 2016, 105 civilians tallied up hourly points during the challenge, which included three hours of command-sponsored fitness activities per week, fitness and nutrition “lunch-and-learns,” fitness assessments and two 5-kilometer run/walks at the beginning and end of the challenge.
Servicemembers and family members also provided inspirational support by joining the civilians for the activities.
In his opening remarks, the Eustis Senior Commander, Maj. Gen. Anthony C. Funkhouser, lauded everyone’s collective efforts and provided words of encouragement.
“My hope is that you all continue to carry on with that motivation and inspire folks to get into wellness,” he said.
Most improved winner Davis, assistant deputy chief of staff for TRADOC G-1/4, also provided comments as the command’s senior representative at the event.
“We put a lot of effort into work, we put a lot of effort into family, but we don’t always leave enough time for ourselves,” Davis said. “So this was a great opportunity to give back to ourselves because giving back to ourselves makes us a healthier, happier person and we bring that to work and it continues to pay dividends everywhere we go.”
The ceremony also featured a short presentation by TRADOC Command Surgeon, Col. Gary Wheeler on the Army’s Performance Triad, a comprehensive readiness and resiliency plan emphasizing quality sleep, fitness activities and nutrition improvement. Wheeler quipped that he is experienced in overall wellness, but unqualified to speak about individual wellness. Individuals are ultimately responsible for wellness.
“I applaud you for your investment in yourselves, Wheeler said. “I hope I made the case that medicine is here to support you but we are simultaneously both very well qualified and very poorly qualified to help you on your journey. The most important folks are all of you.”
The health promotion officer for Eustis, Darlean Basuedayva, echoed Funkhouser’s expectation.
“I just want you to keep that going [commitment], even though it was six months and I know sometimes it’s a little bit hard to do that, but you just keep it going. Now you’re doing it for yourself.”