Military life can be exciting but it comes with challenges, not only for service members but also their families.
Stressful events may include deployments, reintegration, changes at home and other obstacles that may arise.
Military Family Life Counselors (MFLC) at JBLE are available to help service members and their families adjust and adapt to changing and stressful situations that come their way by providing non-medical counseling.
MFLC services can be provided in a park, at the library, in the Army Community Service Center or Airman and Family Readiness Center, on-base schools and sometimes in-unit. Counseling is also available via phone or video call.
“The Military Family Life Counselors help address the day-to-day stressors of military life,” said Marilyn McCallum Roseborough, Flight Chief, Army Community Service and Groninger Library. “The most rewarding part of the job is knowing that help is being provided and that the MFLC’s are making a difference in the lives of our service members and their families.”
Service members, certain Department of Defense civilians, families and survivors can access free, confidential counseling through MFLC.
Behavioral counselors are available for children and youth up to age 18, ensuring each family member is taken care of.
Services provided by MFLC’s are meant to increase resiliency and readiness, allowing individuals to receive the help they need without the stigma of documented records.
MFLC does not address active suicidal or homicidal thoughts, sexual assault, child abuse, domestic violence, alcohol and substance abuse or serious mental health conditions.
To schedule a counseling session with a member of the MFLC team, please use the following resources.
Adult MFLC Counselor: (757) 755-5512 or (757) 755-5509
Child and Youth MFLC Counselor: (757) 409-7438, (757) 755-5500, (757) 807-3074 or (757) 636-6495
Call Military OneSource 24/7: 1-800-342-9647
To report or receive assistance for situations not covered by MFLC, use the resources found at: