Family members, friends and fellow U.S. Army Soldiers said goodbye to 53rd Transportation Battalion (Movement Control) members during a deployment ceremony at Joint Base Langley-Eustis, Nov. 14, 2017.
As the only active movement control battalion headquartered in the continental U.S., the 53rd Trans. Btn. (MC) has seen an increase in deployments in the recent years. This latest deployment is in support of Operation Atlantic Resolve, where they will oversee transportation equipment and personnel.
Their support will contribute to America’s commitment to ensuring air, land and sea security, and reassure NATO allies of the nation’s dedication to peace and stability.
“This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to work with our eastern European allies,” said U.S. Army Capt. Seth Gilleland, 53rd Trans. Btn. (MC), 7th Trans. Brigade (Expeditionary) highway traffic section officer in charge. “I am excited to work with them and strengthen that bond between our nations.”
During the ceremony, the battalion cased their colors, a military tradition signifying the unit’s readiness for deployment and their departure from the post, their homes and loved ones, for combat.
Since its reactivation in 1999, the 53rd Trans. Btn. (MC) has moved more than 80,000 troops and 30,000 pieces of cargo and equipment, proving their ability to handle key transportation responsibilities during the multinational training overseas.
Before concluding the ceremony, Col. Beth Behn, 7th Trans. Bde. (Ex.) commander, left the troops with this final message:
“I am confident this team will succeed because they are resolute,” she said. “We look forward to conducting this ceremony in reverse as we celebrate your mission accomplishment and safe return home. Godspeed. Resolute all the way!”