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Whipping Airmen into WAPS testing shape
As the 2014 Weighted Airman Promotions System testing cycle approaches, Airmen are buckling down to get some serious study time in before test day. The WAPS system is comprised of six factors that measure an Airman’s potential, which include the Specialty Knowledge Test, Promotion Fitness Examination, decorations and Enlisted Performance Report, time in service and time in grade. Each section is weighted objectively in relation of its importance of advancement. These values, measured in points, are totaled, resulting in an Airman’s WAPS score. (U.S. Air Force photo illustration by Airman 1st Class Victoria H. Taylor/Released)

Photo by: Airman st Class Victoria H. TaylorReleased |  VIRIN: 140318-F-VG050-002.JPG