With the holiday season upon us, U.S. Air Force Airmen may decide to seek off-duty employment in order to earn extra money for gifts, vacations or other holiday-related items or activities.
Airmen who choose to seek off-duty employment should be aware of the rules and requirements set in place in order to not jeopardize their military career.
"Off-duty employment requirements exist to ensure Airmen are being safe," said Tech. Sgt. Stephanie Eversley, 633rd Air Base Wing Judge Advocate General Law noncommissioned officer in charge. "It's to ensure Airmen are not over-working themselves and are not doing high-risk activities, especially if they don't have the proper training."
Eversley said Airmen need to consider a few factors before seeking off-duty employment, including appropriately representing the Air Force and time manageability.
"The biggest factor is if they can handle it and if the mission can handle it," said Eversley. "It also cannot put the Air Force in a poor light. For example, a senior noncommissioned officer participating in a pageant where his or her body is over-exposed is inappropriate."
Senior Master Sgt. Derek Hughes, 633rd Logistics Readiness Squadron first sergeant, explained Airmen should remember the Air Force takes precedence when seeking off-duty employment.
"We need to be sure our Airmen are not working in an environment that could bring discredit to themselves or to the Air Force," said Hughes. "Airmen need to understand the needs of the Air Force come first. As employees of the Air Force, there are limitations on who we can work for while off-duty."
Due to conflict of interest rules, Airmen are not allowed to work for any firm or entity that is engaged in or is attempting to engage in business transactions of any sort with an agency of the Department of Defense.
Additionally, Hughes suggested Airmen should review D OD Regulation 5500.7-R, Joint Ethics Regulation Section 2-206a, 2-303, 3-304 before seeking off-duty employment, and discuss with their immediate supervisor before completing the AF Form 3092, Application for Approval for Off-Duty Employment. The form is then routed through his or her supervisor, the base legal office and the member's commander for approval.
According to Eversley, when filling out AF Form 3092, specificity is key in order for the Air Force to fully understand what activity Airmen decide to partake in.
"Airmen have to be specific on what job they will be doing, and can no longer state 'self-employment' when seeking approval for off-duty employment," said Eversley. "'Self-employment' does not give the Air Force information to deem whether or not a job is inappropriate."
Eversley stressed that supervisors discuss the importance of being safe and responsible when speaking to their Airmen.
"Supervisors need to speak to their Airmen about conduct," said Eversley. "A job may not be deemed as inappropriate, but Airmen can put themselves in a position where they find themselves in trouble."
According to Eversley, Airmen should consider finding a workplace that is military-friendly.
"It is a matter of being flexible," said Eversley. "When seeking employment, find someone who is flexible and understands military obligations come first."
Hughes agreed with Eversley.
"Flexibility and understanding on both the part of the Airman and of the employer [is important]," said Hughes. "Both need to understand that military requirements will come first, including changes in duty hours, recalls and deployments."
For more information on off-duty employment requirements, refer to DOD 5500.7-R, Air Force Instruction 44-102, Medical Care Management, or contact your first sergeant.