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Purpose-driven Airmen live with hope

By Chaplain (Capt.) Robert Johnson | 480th Intelligence Wing | April 17, 2006

Langley AFB, Va. — Living with hope and confidence is the only way to really live. Everything else is just “operative,” as we say. Here are three very important questions that I’m sure you’ve asked yourself many times throughout life: 

Who am I? This questions our identity 

Do I matter? This questions our importance 

What is my place in life? This deals with our impact among others 

Do you have a statement of hope and confidence for your life? A statement of hope and confidence will summarize a few things for you: 

First, it will let you know that your life does have meaning, and it’s not just a listing of goals. Goals are temporary, and we should be fixed on what’s eternal. 

Second, it will point out that your life does have direction. Where are you headed in life? 

Third, it will define what you believe is important. It will clarify your values. 

Fourth, it will help clarify your role regarding where you presently are in life. Roles change as our stage in life changes, but your statement will not change. 

Finally, your statement expresses your unique character, how you have been made in the image of God. 

Your statement of hope and confidence should ask these questions: 

What’s the essence of my life? 

What is the character of my life? 

What will be my contribution in life? 

What am I communicating in life? 

One day history as we know it will come to a close, but eternity will go on. 

Become a purpose-driven Airman, live life with hope and confidence.