In a recent phone conversation with my brother, we were discussing the events of our day; nothing too exciting or earth shattering. In other words, as my brother said, “It was just another day at the office.”
After we hung up, I got to thinking about his comment.
My brother is a police officer in southern California. On this particular day, his day at the office entailed arresting a car thief, putting an abusive boyfriend in jail, responding to an armed robbery call and various other adrenaline inducing chores.
The events of his day, while average by his standards, had a profound effect on the lives of many others. It made me wonder just how many of us have ordinary days, without realizing just how our actions or lack thereof, effect those we come in contact with.
I can think of several examples from my own life over the years when someone’s actions had a profound effect on me. But, one that stands out took place just over two years ago.
After nearly a year on the waiting list, I received a phone call from the Langley ophthalmology clinic wanting to set up a date for my eye surgery. In a few short weeks, I was on my way to the Warfighter Laser Eye Surgery clinic at Wright-Patterson AFB, Ohio.
The day after my arrival, along with 15 others, I was briefed on the process and given my surgery date. This was presumably just another day at the office for the staff of the eye surgery suite. It was the beginning of a new life for those of us sitting in the room.
The day of my surgery came, and with a simple 24 seconds in my left eye and 32 seconds in my right, 20 years of wearing glasses came to an end. I was given my post-operative instructions and pain medication and walked out the door with perfect vision.
This ordinary day for the surgeon and his staff resulted in my life being impacted forever.
Never has this become more obvious to me as I begin the process of separating from the Air Force. I was offered a position as an Arizona Highway Patrol Officer, a position that a mere two years ago, I would have been disqualified from due to my eyesight.
How about you? Ever stop to think that your ordinary day might make an extraordinary difference to someone?
Think of the egress troop ensuring an ejection seat is functioning properly; his ordinary day just might save a pilot’s life. The medical technician working in labor and delivery; their ordinary day brought a precious new life into the world. The chaplain, who had just another day at the office, was able to give a young couple some advice and counsel that just might save their marriage.
The more I thought of how my actions might impact those I come in contact with, I realized there is no such thing as just another day. Every day our actions will affect someone. It’s up to us to decide if it’s going to have a positive or detrimental impact.