Eligible active-duty aviators have from April 11 until Aug. 31 to apply for the fiscal year 2022 aviation bonus, Air Force officials announced April 6.
“Airpower will always be in high demand, and our operational readiness hinges on retaining a force of skilled and experienced aviators,” said Air Force Chief of Staff Gen. CQ Brown, Jr., “As we explore and employ a variety of tools to assist in the production, retention and absorption of aviators, these incentives are one element of ensuring we have the force to meet current and future mission requirements.”
This year’s AvB program builds upon previous years’ offers to decisively shape and retain the rated force by providing specific eligible pilots, RPA pilots, air battle managers and combat systems officers with monetary incentives in exchange for active-duty service commitments. This provides reliable personnel forecasts to continue executing the Air Force’s warfighting mission.
Significant changes to the FY22 program include eligibility of the 11R community, reinstatement of short-term contracts for all tiers, and continues lump sum options starting in the 5- and 8-year contract tiers.
The FY22 AvB program applies to lieutenant colonels and below. Also, these officers must be qualified for operational flying duty and entitled to, and receiving, monthly aviation incentive pay.
Depending on the aviator category and length of the AvB contract, incentives vary from $15,000 to $35,000 per year with some categories eligible to receive $100,000 or $200,000 payable up front with the remaining balance of their contract paid annually, spread out equally over the contract term.
Airmen applying for these bonus programs should expect to see payments within three weeks after final approval of their application and processing by the Defense Finance Accounting Service.
Complete eligibility requirements and application instructions will be available on the MyPers website at MyPers at the Officer Compensation link in the left-hand column when the application window opens April 11.