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NEWS | Sept. 11, 2018

CONUS Limited Evacuation Order (LEO) of VA Hurricane Evacuation Areas

By Col. Sean K. Tyler, Commander 633rd Air Base Wing



FROM:  Commander, Joint Base Langley-Eustis


SUBJECT:      CONUS Limited Evacuation Order (LEO) of VA Hurricane Evacuation Areas &

                        Evacuation of Joint Base Langley-Eustis


1.  This is a Limited Evacuation Order (LEO) for Joint Base Langley-Eustis personnel who reside on Langley Air Force Base or in the Virginia Department of Emergency Management (VDEM) Evacuation Zone A.  Evacuees are ordered and/or authorized to move from a CONUS residence to the nearest available accommodations (which may be Government quarters). 


2.  See below (paragraphs 11-12) for additional evacuation order guidance for all individuals present on Langley Air Force Base property.


3.  The authority to order this LEO is located in the Joint Travel Regulations (JTR), par. 0601, Table 6-2 and par. 0602 (uniformed services eligible dependents) and par. 0604 (civilian employees/eligible dependents).


4.  Effective period.  This order goes into effect on 11 September 2018 at 0000 and remains in effect until an order to return is released or otherwise rescinded or amended by me or an appointed designee.  Evacuation of Langley AFB shall be completed by no later than 12 September 2018 at 1800.   


  1. Evacuees.  Defined as uniformed service members (including in-status reservists)/eligible dependents and all APF and NAF civilian employees/eligible dependents whose permanent residence is located in the evacuation area or whose permanent residence is located outside an evacuation area but are ordered by command to evacuate. A member must be ordered to depart the area in a temporary duty (TDY) or permanent change of station (PCS) status.  Individuals assigned to Hurricane Ride Out Teams are not eligible for evacuation under this order.  Personnel who are not designated as members of a ride-out team, but who are deemed mission essential or required to remain past 11 September 2018, at 0600 by their commanders to perform mission-related duties (and their dependents) will be excused from this evacuation order until they are cleared for release by their commander.  


  1. This order applies to all individuals assigned to, residing, or present on Langley Air Force Base or Joint Base Langley-Eustis personnel residing in Zone A.  The commander or head of a defense activity in the grade of O-6 or above or the civilian equivalent under DODI 1400.25-V610, Sec 2(a)(2), or an official authorized under JTR 0602 or 0604, may issue additional orders/guidance to his or her personnel related to procedures for orderly evacuation and reimbursement of allowances.  Such additional orders/guidance shall be coordinated with the Joint Base Commander and Joint Base Emergency Operations Center Director before issuance.  Such additional orders/guidance will be in writing and included as an Annex thereto.


  1. Evacuation Area.  All evacuee residences on Langley Air Force Base and in VDEM Zone A are included.  Also included are those VDEM zones subsequently declared by the Governor of the Commonwealth of Virginia as mandatory evacuation areas.  See para ‘4a’ for those evacuees whose permanent residence is located outside an evacuation area. 


  1. Safe Haven.  Safe Haven locations shall not exceed 750 miles from Joint Base Langley-Eustis and should be located outside of the projected track, Tropical Storm Warning areas, and Hurricane Warning areas, as identified by the National Hurricane Center.


  1. Evacuation Reason.  Hurricane Florence with catastrophic impact, winds, storm surge, and flooding on 13 September 2018 and residual danger that makes the evacuation area dangerous and uninhabitable.


  1. Accountability.  Individuals shall, upon arrival at their Safe Haven (evacuation) location, account for themselves and their dependents in their service’s accountability system.  If unable to access a computer at an evacuation location, contact the accountability system’s number to report status and location.  If personnel encounter issues with the use of their service’s accountability system (e.g. freezing or other access issues), try launching the system in Google Chrome.  If members still encounter issues using this alternate browser, call the numbers listed below. 




Web Site


AF Personnel Accountability & Assessment System



Navy Family Accountability & Assessment System



Army Disaster Personnel Accountability & Assessment System



5.  Military Dependents.  Upon receipt of the authorization or order, eligible military dependents are authorized travel and transportation to a CONUS evacuation/safe haven location as specified in the above-listed paragraphs.


a.  Orders.  This document serves as the official evacuation order/authorization.  Upon return from evacuation, dependent evacuation orders will be processed on DD Form 1610 for authorized travel reimbursement.  If families at the safe haven location do not have travel orders and require emergency evacuation funding, the travel orders may be prepared by the servicing military personnel office at the military installation nearest the safe haven location.

b.  Travel to other than safe haven.  If evacuated dependents travel to a location other than or outside of the safe haven location, transportation costs are limited to those otherwise incurred in seeking safe haven at the authorized location, and the standard CONUS per diem rate applies at that location unless the alternate location is later approved by the authorizing/ordering official (JTR, par. 060103-D and 060202 Table 6-14).  The ordering official may encounter circumstances that warrant an amended evacuation order, e.g., to expand the counties that constitute a safe haven or address requests for exceptions to policy on a case-by-case basis in the event of individual medical or other extenuating circumstances.


c.  Choice not to evacuate.  Dependents that choose not to evacuate are not authorized safe haven allowances.


d.  Allowances for eligible evacuated military dependents.


(1)  Transportation and Per Diem en route to the Safe Haven Location (JTR par. 060202).  Transportation and per diem are authorized for allowable travel time (excludes any personal travel time) until they reach safe haven location and return.  Alternatively, the JTR authorizes reimbursement on a mileage basis when a dependent uses a Privately Owned Vehicle (POV) for one round trip from the evacuated residence to the nearest available accommodations and return. Departure and return day per diem is paid at 75% of Meals and Incidental Expenses (M&IE).  If dependent travels using a POV, the applicable mileage rate is the TDY rate (currently $.545 /mile for cars and $.515/mile for motorcycles), JTR par. 020210) for a Limited Evacuation.


(2)  Allowances at Safe Haven (JTR, par. 060205) - Lodging & Meals/Incidental Expenses (M&IE).


(a)  Lodging.  Allowance is paid for commercial quarters and must be documented by a receipt.  Receipts are mandatory.  Tax for lodging in CONUS is a separate reimbursable item. There is no authorized lodging reimbursement if staying with friends and relatives (JTR, pars. 060205-B2). 


(b)  Meals and Incidental Expenses (M&IE).  JTR par. 060205-B2 provides for a safe haven evacuation allowance rate that is based on the locality per diem for the safe haven location.


(c)  Subject to the Applicable Rates below, allowances for Lodging/M&IE are paid for each eligible evacuee.  For example, if a family of four (member, spouse, dependent child aged 14, dependent child aged 8) evacuate to an area with a per diem rate of $50 and a maximum lodging rate of $100 per day, reimbursement would be as follows:


(i)  Per Diem M&IE total = $175, which is $50 for the Member, $50 for the Spouse; $50 for the 14 year old, and $25 for the 8 year old.


(ii) Lodging Per Diem total = $350, which is $100 for the Member, $100 for the Spouse, $100 for the 14 year old, and $50 for the 8 year old.  NOTE:  Lodging reimbursement cannot exceed the actual cost of lodging.  In this example, if the actual lodging expense were $300 per night, the lodging reimbursement would be limited to $300 per night.


(d)  Applicable Rates. 


1  First 30 days:  Dependents age 12 or older receive up to 100% of locality rate.  Dependents under age 12 receive up to 50% of the locality rate.


2  Days 31-180:  Dependents age 12 or older receive up to 60% of locality rate.  Dependents under age 12 receive up to 30% of the locality rate.


(3)  Local Travel.   Local travel allowances are authorized to be paid when a military dependent is receiving safe haven allowances and does not have a POV at the safe haven or the designated place.  When a dependent is unable to drive a POV to the safe haven location, JTR, par. 060205-B authorizes a flat transportation allowance of $25/day (regardless of the number of dependents) to cover expenses an evacuated dependent incurs for required local travel.  No receipts are required.


(4)  Advance military pay is authorized only when the evacuated area is specifically designated by the Secretary of Defense as an advance pay eligible location (DoDFMR 7000.14-R, Vol 7a, Ch. 32, par. 320106 and table 32-1, rule 5).


(a)  Household Goods (HHG) Transportation (JTR par. 0603-B1; AFI 24-501, par. 8.1).  When a dependent is directed to move to a safe haven, the member is authorized:  1) transportation of Unaccompanied Baggage for the dependents as needed for the dependent's comfort and well-being at the safe haven.  Origin may be member's CONUS PDS and/or from Non-Temporary Storage (NTS) to the safe haven.


(b)  Dependents may ship up to 350 lbs. of unaccompanied baggage per dependent age 12 or older and 175 lbs. per child under age 12 up to a total of 1,000 lbs. for the member's family. (JTR, par. 0603 Table 6-20).


e.  Military Member (TDY status, PCS status or Escort status) Allowances.


(1)  Escort for Dependent.  TDY travel and transportation allowances, (JTR, par. 060203-A), may be authorized for a member who travels under an official order or travel authorization as an escort for an evacuated dependent who is incapable of traveling alone due to age, physical or mental incapacity, or other extraordinary circumstances.  Allowances cover travel between the member's PDS and the safe haven or designated place.  Refer to JTR, par. 060203-B for allowances authorized for non-member escorts.


(2)  Member TDY at time of evacuation.   Authorizing Officials (e.g., Commanders) may extend the TDY orders of members who are TDY away from the PDS at the time of evacuation.


(3)  Member on leave away from PDS.  If the commander of a member on leave away from the PDS determines that member should not return to the PDS at the end of the leave period, that commander may, if appropriate, order the member into a TDY status at the leave point.  TDY is chargeable to unit funds using the ESP code established for the evacuation.


6.  Civilian Employee (and their dependents) Special Allowances during evacuation.  Civilian employees may be eligible for reimbursement of costs incurred for travel, lodging, and per diem if they received an order/authorization from an eligible authorizing official IAW the JTR, Chapter 6, par 0604.  Allowances will only be authorized IAW this or subsequent evacuation orders from the appropriate DoD official or other listed in JTR authorizes/orders the evacuation, such as through a vocal order (VoCo) order.  Local civil authorities cannot obligate the expenditure of DoD funds. NOTE:  If a civilian employee and/or their dependents remain in the home and choose not to evacuate, special allowances for subsistence are not authorized. 


a.  Special Allowances (Subsistence Expense) (JTR, par. 060408-B1, Sec. 550.405)


(1)  Travel expenses and per diem authorized for an evacuated employee and dependents are those prescribed for TDY travel in the JTR (dependent under age 12 receives 50%), whether or not the employee or dependents would actually be covered or subject to the JTR.  Per diem for an employee and dependents is payable starting on the date of departure from the evacuated area through the arrival date at the safe haven, including any en route delay that is beyond the evacuee's control that may result from evacuation travel arrangements.  Subsistence expenses are determined based on the applicable per diem rate (lodging and meals) for the safe haven location.


(2)  Lodging.  Allowance is paid for commercial quarters and must be documented by a receipt.  Lodging allowances are not authorized if staying with friends and relatives unless the traveler can substantiate additional lodging cost the host incurs (JTR, par. 60402-B).


(3)  Meals and Incidental Expenses (M&IE).  Rates are based on the locality per diem for the safe haven location.


(4)  Applicable Rates (unless lower rate is determined via Secretarial Process IAW JTR, par. 060103-D).


(a)  1st 30 days:  Dependents age 12 or older receive up to 100% of locality rate. Dependents under age 12 receive up to 50% of the locality rate.


(b)  Days 31-180:  Dependents age 12 or older receive up to 60% of locality rate. Dependents under age 12 receive up to 30% of the locality rate.


(c)  Local Travel.  There is no authority to pay a local travel allowance to civilian employees/dependents.


(d)  Continuation of Salary.  Regular salary continues throughout the evacuation IAW 5 U.S.C. 5523.


7.  Joint Base Langley-Eustis civilian personnel evacuees subject to this order will be placed on administrative leave and are authorized travel to a safe haven location. 


8.  Fund Citation for Orders and Reimbursement for USAF personnel will be provided by 633 CPTS, and for non-USAF personnel will be provided by the owning service.


9.  Use of Government Travel Card is authorized during the effective period in accordance with paragraph 4.


10.  Personnel without a Government Travel Card in need of an advance travel payment should coordinate with their servicing finance office.


11.  Evacuation:  In the interest of protecting the security and mission of the installation, and the health, welfare, safety and security of all individuals present on the installation, as well as to generally support good order and discipline, residents of Langley Air Force Base will be evacuated by 12 September 2018, at 1800.  All individuals (whether military affiliated or civilians) present on Langley Air Force Base who are not mission essential (and their dependents) or detailed to hurricane ride-out teams (not to include dependents) are ordered to depart Langley Air Force Base.  This order covers all Federal property encompassing Langley Air Force Base, including, but not limited to FamCamp, lodging and privatized housing on main base Langley.  Individuals who ignore this order are subject to physical removal by all means necessary.  Further, violation of this order renders the violator a continuing threat to the security and good order and disciplne of Langley Air Force Base.  As such, in addition to physical removal, violation of this order subjects the violator to barmant from any military installation for a period of up to 5 years, and potential prosecution under Title 18, United States Code, Section 1382 and Virginia Statutes.


12.  Pets.  All evacuees are responsible for ensuring that all household pets, companion animals, and service animals (except those service animals assigned to ride-out team personnel; e.g. military working dogs), or any other animal boarded or kept on the installation, are likewise evacuated from the installation.  Such animals include but are not limited to dogs, cats, birds, rodents (including rabbits), fish, or turtles.  No authority exists to reimburse expenses associated with pet transport, or quarantine, as part of a CONUS evacuation (JTR, par. 060204-B).


13.  Failure to comply with this order is a violation of Article 92, UCMJ, for military members.  DoD civilians who violate paragraph 11 above or file a false travel voucher may be subject to administrative discipline under applicable service regulations.


14.  My points of contact are Maj Charles Dunar, 633 CPTS, 757-764-2273 and Lt Col Jefferson McBride 633 ABW/SJA, 757-764-3277.         




                                                 SEAN K. TYLER, Colonel, USAF    
