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Retired U.S. Army Maj. E. Vernon Smith Jr. sorts through slides from his tour in South Korea at his home in central Virginia, July 20, 2013. Smith said he took photographs during his 16-month rotation to preserve memories of his experience during a signif
Retired U.S. Army Maj. E. Vernon Smith Jr. looks at a framed letter of appreciation from a South Korean orphanage while in his home in central Virginia, July 20, 2013. Smith donated clothes and toys to the orphanage while stationed near the Korean demilitarized zone in 1956, and said seeing the impoverished children made him feel compelled to help. (U.S. Air Force photo by Staff Sgt. Katie Gar Ward/Released)

Tags: History
Photo by: Staff Sgt. Katie Gar WardReleased |  VIRIN: 130720-F-CK351-121.JPG